Vitali and beer is what my life has consisted of over the last two weeks. I mean lots of it to. Unimaginable amounts of those two liquids have coursed this battered body during this drinking binge. Last night I crossed the line, not going to mention what that was, but it was defiantly crossed. I hope things get better, I hope they remain the same...but like I was saying, unreal amounts of alcohol. I've spent all my money, as have my drinking companions, and were not sure what approach we should take now. Do we steal beer? It's hilarious because we still find ways to rummage up a few dollars for a fresh, crisp, cold thirty pack, and the girls bring their citrus flavored Vitali. Throughout all the blackouts and endless amount of drinking, I have been able to accomplish much. I studied for my sociology test and got an A (unbelievable I know). I wrote three papers while pre-gaming to go to the Cactus Moon. I got work-shopped for that paper, and my entire class loved it, while I hated it. My teacher gave me a B+ and told me to revise and I would get an A. I was able to charm my teacher into allowing me to make up several missed assignments. Drinking and school go hand in hand!
My father is right! He says that I have always done what I wanted, even if it's not what he wants, but when I put my mind to something, I do it. Welcome to the life of Kelley Wyman.